Samyam Shrestha
I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Georgia. My research interests lie at the intersections of labor economics, agricultural economics, and economic development. Much of my current research focuses on the impacts of (im)migration shocks. I will be on the 2024/25 job market.
Working Papers
Trade Effects of Immigration Enforcement: Evidence from U.S. Labor-Intensive Agriculture [Job Market paper] [Abstract] [Draft available upon request; draft publicly available at the beginning of October]
Labor Market Effects of the Venezuelan Refugee Crisis in Brazil (with Hugo Sant’Anna) [R&R Journal of Economic Geography]
Public Perceptions on Undocumented Agricultural Workers (with Vitalis Othuon, Benjamin Campbell, William Secor, and Daniel Tregeagle)
Selected Work in Progress
Immigration Enforcement and Business Dynamics (with Hugo Sant’Anna) [Working paper coming out in October!]