Samyam Shrestha

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Georgia. My research interests lie at the intersections of labor economics, agricultural economics, and economic development. I am also a Consultant at The World Bank.

Curriculum Vitae (Nov 2023)


Working Papers

Labor Market Effects of the Venezuelan Refugee Crisis in Brazil (with Hugo Sant’Anna) [Under review]

Labor Supply and the Production and Trade of Labor-Intensive Goods: Evidence from U.S. Agriculture [Draft available upon request]


Selected Work in Progress

Immigration, Entrepreneurship, and Firm Dynamics (with Hugo Sant’Anna)

Regional Integration and Gendered Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Two Nationwide Highway Projects in India (with Aditi Kadam, Isis Gaddis, and Amna Javed)

Perceptions on Undocumented Farm Workers (with Benjamin Campbell and William Secor)